Thursday, September 8, 2011

Everything Settles Over Time

And that includes my brain. Second week down and I'm getting into the swing of things with school, and discovering (don't tell anyone) that I actually really like it. I like sitting in class, opening my notebook, writing copious notes, feeling faint wisps of recollection of hydrocarbons, amino acids and the like. I like that my Physiopsychology teacher folded her arms and threw down a challenge the first day. (To paraphrase, she told us it was going to be hard to get an A in her class. Since I am something of a smartass, I mentally replied that she just didn't know me yet.) I like how my Chemistry teacher looks like John Goodman and says things like "How much ecstasy can a 150lb person consume without overdosing?" to teach measurements. And I completely adore my wacky Biology teacher who did a running demo of a Jesus Christ lizard to show how the properties of water permit life. (He loves Biology so much, and it shows.)

[My hat is off to all of these teachers, and I am deeply impressed across the board with how good they are and how hard they work at their jobs. I really hope that for the most part, we've all gotten over the idea that teaching is for people who can't do anything else. It's an offensive idea.]

But most of all, I like using my brain this way again. It's easy to fall off the wagon and start filling your noggin with all kinds of useless junk (hello YoufaceJezeGoFugYourbookTube), and the same way that not using your muscles makes working out seem like hard work, not using my brain to learn like this has made re-entry a bit uncomfortable, but as with all stretching experiences, I'm growing accustomed to the new space. And less willing to fill it with videos of cats.

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